Sunday, October 9, 2011

Learning from Research

Since I began researching the topic of the LA Riots in 1992, I have come to realize that the event was nearly similar to that of the infamous stock market crash in 1929; There are many proposed factors and causes to the situation, but none of them are definite. The Riots of 1992 have many causes, especially that of the Rodney King beating, but there are too many reasons as to why LA rioted in the way that it did. My newfound knowledge has greatly affected my understanding of the problems faced by Angelenos in that I mainly believe that the Riots were the result of racial tensions that built up for a long time. Immigration and displacement of certain ethnic groups had some role in leading to the riots of 1992, and something like this can be avoided in future times. Different minority groups in close areas should be watched carefully, because as evidenced from history, this often can cause problems. As long as the Los Angeles citizens keep an eye one each other and try to avoid conflict, riots should not be a future issue to the city of L.A.

1 comment:

  1. The connection you make between the Stock Market crash and the Riots of 1992 is very strong and a connection that I never thought about. I agree with you that the riots were mostly a build up of racial tensions. If Los Angeles can become a city that expresses unity I believe an event like the LA Riots of 1992 will not occur again in this area.
