Sunday, October 2, 2011

The L.A Riots

I will be writing my next paper on the LA riots that occurred in 1992. It was a time of civil unrest in Los Angeles, and it was one of the most violent and destructive periods in LA's past. The riots occurred after police officers were filmed beating Rodney King repeatedly after a car chase, but even though there was video evidence, the police officers were not charged and were acquitted from the crimes. As a result of the ruling, there were riots in Los Angeles immediately following; LA was seriously crippled by the riots as many people were killed, many more were injured or harmed, and LA itself was nearly destroyed physically from all that had happened.In my research, I will be looking for more than just the plain facts to the case: I would like to discover how this event has affected the future and how it has shaped society, specifically in Los Angeles. The LA Riots are a key part of LA's past even though it was a negative event, and it's something that the people of today should reflect on and definitely learn from.

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