Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Galen Center at USC

The Galen Center at USC is a specific building of USC that is located off-campus, but provides an attraction and influences the surrounding area in South-Central Los Angeles. The Galen Center is the home of the Trojan's basketball and volleyball teams, and is also widely used for a myriad of events for downtown LA. The center is both for the community and for the school of USC; it can be used for athletic events that the community, and the people of the trojan family both attend. To be specific, the stadium often hosts NCAA division I games for many to enjoy, but concerts, graduations, and special events are there specifically to benefit the area surrounding the University of Southern California campus. Therefore, this Center may be officially property of USC, but it is an attraction for south-central LA, as many of the events at the Galen Center will prove.
The Galen center then is an accommodating space for those in LA, especially for a wide range of people in LA. It could be more accommodating since its location is primarily for those attending USC, but when it does host events other than sports, the community is definitely able to reinforce ties with each other, and the venue provides an opportunity for many to socially interact. The Galen center however should continue to do anything that it can to provide opportunities of interaction for those in the South Central area of Los Angeles with social events and concerts. Stating the previous, it could be doing a better job than it currently is, but it is doing a decent job in regards to the Galen Center being a publicly diverse and exclusive spot for downtown LA. What does the blog group think? Is the Galen center accommodating for the surrounding area?
Here is a link to the USC Galen Center


  1. It's cool that you chose the Galen Center, I never would have thought about it, but its seems like such a good pick. Are there any events that aren't allowed to be held there?

  2. I've yet to go inside the Galen Center, but it's definitely interesting to think of how it is used by not only the university but the community as a whole. I would even like to see what the makeup of the crowd is at typical volleyball and basketball games- is it all students and alumni? or do lots of fans from the surrounding community attend the games and root for USC athletics?

  3. The Galen Center is slowly trying to incorporate the community involvement and feeling into its facility. I agree with you that it can do an even better job than what it is doing now. I feel that if the Galen Center began to have high school championship games or other events specific to downtown Los Angeles, the community would take genuine pride in the venue.
