This year's experience of collaborative learning has taught me to utilize things like peer review, and especially the blogs. With peer review and looking at other students' blogs, I can see how my peers are fairing with the same assignments, and I can use their viewpoints as something that could influence my thinking. Overall this collaborative learning style has taught me it's incredibly useful to work together with other people, and to me it's much better than working alone. Since I am a business major, this semester in Writing 140 was extremely useful because collaborative working is a key aspect in the business world. Few things accomplished in the business world are done alone, and this course has shown me that even writing papers can be the result of collaborative efforts such as peer reviews.
I will consider starting another blog in the future, because it could be useful for connecting with people in ways other than Facebook or texting. The business world revolves around making connections around the world, and I believe blogs are a great first step to doing this. Writing 140 was an amazing class and I hope my future classes at USC give me the chance to experience collaborative learning again like this class.